Saturday, January 31, 2015

{I had just about talked myself}....out of doing a big Birthday Party for the little man. Then it hit me, cmon girl this is what you like to do, you like being stressed to the max planning it down to every little detail, spending to much money and trying to create pleasant memories for the kiddos. So here I am in the middle of planning his party and OH MAN, I have to much fun and sometimes go a little overboard. He wanted an airplane party and so a vintage airplane party it is little man. He wasn't feeling pictures today, and realistically hardly ever feeling pictures anymore but we went anyway....ENJOY. He is so freaking cute, even if he test my patience a million trillion times a day. Life is Good.....

1 comment:

Kimberly K. Hansen said...

LOVE, LOVE your blog. Yes, Jaxon is soooo cute. You and Big D make cute kids. Love the confection valentine header also.