Sunday, December 14, 2014

{THIS}.....has been on my mind a lot lately. It has been nearly 7 months since the plane Brad was learning to fly went down. Many things have changed for the family, immediate and extended in that long 7 months. I miss this guy, I'm not gonna lie. We were buds, even though we didn't get to see each other a lot over the last few years, we were close. We were 18 years of doing almost everything together, we were the best of cousins, being only one month apart in age and living just down the block from each other. I now feel pain for his family almost every day, I feel pain. I love his wife Camille and am so proud of how she is handling the situation. It is tough, the kids struggle, they miss their dad and the life they used to have. Why is it that we take so many things in this life for granted, I have so much to be thankful for and I am truly blessed, but we always want more. Why is it ? Human Nature I suppose. This holiday season is going to be tough for the family and his kiddos, I wish I could do more, every day I wish I could do more. I pray for them, I think about them and I love them. May this Holiday Season bring peace to this family and to what once was. Let's try to be satisfied with what we have been given and not what we don't have. I miss you Brad, every day I miss you. I drive by your house often just to see if maybe it was all just a bad dream We love you and hope that you continue looking over those that you love.  Miss you....

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