Monday, August 31, 2015

{Overthinking on Monday}....

I am a walking contradiction...not gonna lie. I like things super clean and organized yet there are areas in my home that are embarrassingly ridiculous. I have a "grab the bull" mindset on learning new things, yet with some things it's more like 'I'll do that another day'.  I'll do that "tomorrow" is a nicer way of saying "NEVER".  It has taken me a long time to figure out why I am this way, but am some point I realized why I don't tackle a task , be it organizing my one unruly cupboard or building my business.  I put things off because I think I won't do a good enough job of because it won't be....wait for it.... PERFECT.  When a task feels huge and I am not sure how to chip away at it, the temptation creeps in to do nothing with it. The unorganized cupboard is not going will still be there tomorrow.

Doing something good, or even okay, is better than not doing nothing at all. Fear of not doing it perfect is a lousy waste of what could be. If I were to add up all the times I think about doing something and/or talk about doing something, I could have actually done it 100 times! Yet, many times when I face something head on, I realize that it is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. With many of my fears,  I learned more about what it is that scared me, I realized 9 times out of 10 I had all the wrong information.

So, my overthinking Monday challenge to you is to take one thing you've left undone and do something with it. It might be simple like making a phone call or making a list. Don't let fear be so paralyzing that you do nothing. Start small and relish in that feeling. It's just like changing your lifestyle. Deciding to take a quick walk around the block turns into making better choices at dinner. The snowball effect started with a single snowflake. Imperfection is progress. Doing it OK is better than not doing it at all, right?

What will you take on this week? Will you be OK with mediocre? It's better than nothing. Besides, you might suprise yourself. You might find one little step was all you needed to soar...    Alisha

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