Monday, November 15, 2010

{Terrible two's}......almost three. What more could a three year old bring? My little man Jax is about all we can handle right now, a handful is an understatement. His latest fascination is climbing on things and now he is tall enough to turn the lights on and off. A couple of nights ago he kept climbing up on the kitchen counter where I was working and kept turning the light off. First off I spanked his butt a couple of times because hello my diet coke was setting right there where he was climbing and I just new he was going to spill it everywhere, I wasn't even thinking about the big red candle melting on my candle burner right next to him. The last time that he climbed up there I grabbed him but not before his cute little hand hit the candle and my nice red candle was no longer in the container but all over my cupboards, my walls and my wood floor. Needless to say, in all the years that I have been a parent I have never been so mad. I put his cute little butt in time-out and seeing that he wouldn't stay in there Derek spanked his butt everytime he poked his head around the corner. It only took about 4 times before he realized he might be better off just staying in his room. I spent the next hour and 40 minutes cleaning hot wax off of everything and those of you who have had to do this knows that is a real pain and doesn't clean up very good. I think he learned his lesson because the next morning after the whole dilemna had passed he said,"I not gonna climb up there anymore", and sure enough he hasn't. Why in life do we have to learn things the hard way?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh what a (cute) little stinker!! sounds like something ryder would do.