Thursday, January 8, 2009


Earlier yesterday i was going through some old pictures and scrapbooks
just looking at all the cute pictures of Jaden from a few years back. It kind
of makes you sad to realize that time goes fast and my kids are growing older.
Jaden sat down by me and we ran across some pictures of us at my little sisters
house in St. George before they moved, now anyone that knows me very well
knows that we spent a lot of time at my sisters house. Jaden would get out of
school on Friday and we would head down for the night. We always had so much
fun we would have a big baseball game, go shoppping, go to Cafe Rio, go get ice
cream. Jaden loved doing this he said it was almost as fun as baseball. I layed in
bed last night not be able to sleep and I was thinking how much I missed them living
so close and the great times our kids had together. I hope that eventually that I will
be able to live closer to my family so we can hang out more....until next time ya

1 comment:

Nate and Suzanne said...

Thanks for making me cry..... I know I really miss that too but what can we do..... Hopefully eventually we can live close again I promise I will change your blog today......
Love You Guys Too....