Tuesday, May 21, 2013

{This little girl is so stinkin cute}.....I heard she can hold her own on the playground too.  photo kysablog2.jpg

Sunday, May 19, 2013

{I love my boys}....so dang much that words can't begin to express how I feel. It has been super hard this year with the space between them because it seems like we are always dealing with different a level of things, that range from 5 year old tantrums right up to 16 year old tantrums. It is never-ending and I mostly feel like the bad guy. However, I realize the importance of sticking with discipline even if it is hard and makes everyone miserable. It is necessary to raise healthy, happy kiddos. I decided that some pictures are better than no pictures and these came off of my phone therefore the quality is not great. I love them, how they play catch together and those rare moments when you know they love each other.  photo image-2.jpeg  photo image-1.jpeg
{Jaxen}....the little man, one of a kind. You are a handful right now little man. You keep me running with all of your boundless energy. You just now figured out how to whistle and you whistle a little tune every where you go. You are loud and I mean seriously loud, your raspy voice echoes endlessly through the house, ballpark, store or wherever you are. You love to make up stories about how you are a farmer and in that little mind of your's I truly believe that you believe the stories that you tell. You love your dad more than anything, a hug and a kiss is in store every night for him or you can't go to sleep. Even though you make me tired because you are a night owl, I love being a mom to a crazy, loud, fingernail biter LITTLE MAN....  photo jaxenglasses.jpg
{I am seriously so sad}...that I have been slacking so bad on my blog. It is time to get back on track, missing to much of my kiddos without it. I just recently printed this quote big and hung it in my house. I LOVE IT.....  photo whatweare_edited-42.jpg