Monday, May 28, 2012

{Freshman}....High School Baseball 2012. Can't believe his freshman year has come and gone a few games were won and a few games were lost. Friendships were made and work ethics were built. Coaches not always making the kids happy, but in the long run they wouldn't have changed a thing. I was proud of the boys this year, they struggled at the first of the season and then ended up beating some really good teams. We were really competitive and the kids had fun. Photobucket I love the kids that Jaden plays ball with, what a great young group of athletes. Photobucket He hit the ball pretty good this year, but boy he was a bunting machine. He can lay down a bunt anytime, anywhere. Photobucket He might be the smallest first baseman in Region 9, but the boy can stretch. Photobucket Photobucket How many gatorade and candy bars do you think have gone through this dugout? I know my guy has had his fair share... Photobucket Proud of you Jaden, keep working hard. AHH CV....Can't wait to see what next year brings.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Let's just say, I am a little behind on blogging and life in general. To much to do, not enough hours in a day. Photobucket Baby bro is on the way for this little cutie.... Photobucket

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

{This is what happens}.....when a certain mom is up to her eyeballs, totally consumed with little league pictures. The little man was trying to beat the next team to the spot, when his flip flops flipped off and caused this disaster. Photobucket I am pretty sure people thought he was dying the way he carried on for approximately way to long. Photobucket I carried on finishing up team pictures with him screaming at the top of his lungs from my car, that I ruined his life and that his heart is broke forever, and no one would ever play with him again because he looks stupid. Yes, it is all this certain moms fault. Photobucket Boy, he was mad.