{Happy Happy Birthday}..... to my fabulous little sis......my birthday wish to you is hoping you have a great 2011 and that you keep that cute smile on your face....
It's almost here......
Thursday, December 16, 2010
{Peace on Earth}.....is that what we are wishing for this holiday season? It's crazy to me as I look at my 2 children and see complete joy and peace on their faces over the simplest things, yet as as a working, busy mom it seems like joy can be harder to find. I can yell at my kids, spank their butt a milion times a day, yet at the end of the day they still remind me that they love me and that I am a good mom and somehow that makes it all worthwhile.
{Once there was a snowman}.......we really haven't a lot of snow this year and Jaxen really doesn't like to be cold, however he loves to kick the snow. He seriously is the cutest, funnest, craziest kid right now and I just want to squeeze him and love him every day.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
{Our stockings}.....are hung by the chimney with care, actually more like no chimney and the crazy little man thinks it fun to hide the stockings, hopefully we will find them before St. Nick shows up to fill them up. Way excited for Christmas this year......countdown at our house, only 10 days to go. What's even better is the fact that the Jaden only has 2 more days of school and then we are going to PARTY for 2 weeks. Love, love, love when the he is on vacation, no schedules, no homework, no practice, just hanging around.
Monday, December 13, 2010
{With Christmas}......less than 2 weeks away, I can't believe the incredible weather we have had this winter. I know as soon as I post this we will probably get a big storm or something. I love having nice weather in December, it seems like you are able to get more done not having to fight the snow.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
{I love my boys}......they are the world to me. It's so crazy to me how you can have 2 kids that are completely different from each other. Jaden is so funny, a people person (even the lunch ladies know him by his first name) very likeable, smart, and a good little athlete. Jaden loves to have things neat and tidy and is a great hand to have around. He is very willing to help with anything. Jaden is a great big brother, Jaxen is always bugging Jaden and his friends, but very seldom does Jaden let it bother him. Jaden is a very determined kid, once he sets his mind on something that it is all that he can think about. Jaden hates swearing and always reminds me to watch my mouth. Jaxen on the other hand has a small vocabulary of swear words and sometimes know how to use them. Jaxen has a crazy personality and sometimes acts older than he is. Jaxen rules the roost at our house, loves to be the boss. Jaxen loves messes and hates us to pick them up. Jaxen loves his brother so much, talks about him when he is gone and can't wait to pick him up from school. Just tonight Jaxen comes up to me as I was laying on the floor and smiled at me and said, "Your a good mom." and gave me a kiss. Gosh I love my little guys.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
{My kids absolutely}..... love this movie. What better way to spend a cold winter night than with the Grinch and cadbury chocolate eggs. We are really getting excited for Christmas around here, the stockings are hung and now we get to wait.
{I promise}......i have not forgotten about you. If you have been checking by blog and not seeing your stuff on there i am working really hard to get everything done by next week. Christmas 24 days away...Yikes
{Senior}....what a cute senior boy, athletic (great baseball player), smart and has a great smile. The type of boy you hope your own kids grow up to be like. In fact Jaden looks up to him and thinks he is awesome.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
{One more}.....cute fun family.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
{Yikes}.......babies, seniors, families, kids, christmas cards. Am I ever going to get caught up?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
{My little man}.....informed me today that he likes and wants coal for Christmas. How the heck do you use Santa Claus to discipline a kid if that's the case?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
{Random}......i know my blog is kind of random and crazy right now, just kind of like I am feeling. With Christmas right around the corner I am working like a crazy woman to get caught up with everything, so if you are one of those fine people waiting on me I promise I haven't forgotten about you and I hope to have everything done by the 5th of December. That also means no more pics for the rest of the year. It's been real fun but I want to enjoy the holidays a little bit more this year.
Friday, November 19, 2010
{Twinkle, twinkle little star}.......how I wonder what you is, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the moon (or forest). Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you is. I love the way you sing this song, just wanted to write it down so I don't forget.